Sunday, December 18, 2011

Torn and Restored Coin - Super Magic - Trick 7

So I finally got enough time to sit down and film this. Personally I think I have held off shooting this because I am not completely thrilled by it. I think the idea is great, this is a very interesting take on the torn and restored plot. But…and it is a big but, I think the handling on this is a little rough. I think when done in person this will probably look good, on camera….you be the judge. As stated above, I think the idea is great I think the mechanics supplied in the book leave a little to be desired.

Unique idea that would be a nice departure from a card trick in a close up magic set
If you put the time in and clean up some of the handling you would probably be the only person doing this effect
Mechanics in the book are a little rough and need to be worked out
Non-ordinary “pieces-of-eight” needed

P.S. – A big thank you to Diamonds magic for making this trick possible. Check out Diamond’s Magic for any magical needs –

Sunday, September 4, 2011

What's Going On...

Hello everyone out there in CyberWorld, I am back... I hope for good this time. I don't know how many people actually read this thing but if you do I appreciate it. I am still working through Super Magic and I have most of the book down. I am just now working on filming all of the effects. So what happened....where did I go.....
As always life seems to get in the way so quickly. I have had one of the best summers of my life. I actually was a semi-professional magician this summer. Never thought I would ever say, or type those words anywhere, but I can! This summer a fellow magician and myself got a gig doing eight shows on the shores of Misquamicut Beach. The experience was incrediable and I even got to start the last show with one of my favorite pieces of close-up. The even better news is that we got asked back for next year, and this time for a 10 week run!
So now what is going on, this blog has been in the back of my mind the entire time and I am ready to finish it off. I am looking forward to filming all of the effects and hopefully hearing some comments on them. If you like what I am doing, or what I put up let me know.
Now, I just need to find my video camera...